Monday 16 December 2013

Day off

today is my first day off of my new routine , in never realised it would be hard ! I'm sore from yesterday and all i want to do is get out the kettle bells and get stuck in. but i suppose i will just have to put on the kettle , he he.

Sunday 15 December 2013

wind wind and more wind

today was my first day running for over an hour. I had gone out on Wednesday and ran fifty Min's and my knees really were at me from the half hour mark. I was running all on the road for the first time so I put it down to that. The run today was fine , except that the wind was blowing hard, but I had picked a route that kept me mostly out of it . still the last ten Min's were straight in to the wind , and up sand dunes , I know I'm a glutton for punishment . any way , my legs are killing me now , but hobble on I must

Saturday 14 December 2013


OK, I give up. I cant do it, no I'm wrong I can do it. its a tough workout no question of that .but I just don't like it, at all!  one month is all I could stand , might be that its to much cardio for me ,when my overall plan is to get fit for the marathon but also to increase size and strength in my upper body, I actually found that it was doing the reverse.
so this is what I'm thinking of doing ; continue my running as normal, and start back with my kettle bells four days a week starting Sunday or Monday, I might have to do my run on Monday due to bad weather tomorrow, but we will see.
Tuesday-upper body
Wednesday- run
Friday- lower body
Saturday-abs and core
Sunday- long run
what do people think of this, I use 2x 16 kg kettle bells and follow Steve Cotter extreme workout and I'm going to add on the 7 min extreme beach kettle bell workout (I cant remember the guys name ). but good bye insanity, ya didn't suit me!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Split kicks

Power jacks

Power knees

Power jumps

Globe jumps

Suicide jumps

Push up jacks

Low plank oblique

the insanity of insanity

Today was the second fitness test, it was hard , i nearly vomited. but i will get to that later. the insanity program itself , i s hard to describe , lots of cardio , lots of shouting ? pretty much it. it does improve your fitness , but as for building size and strength im not so sure. i keep thinking back to when i was doing tapout , i used to look forward to doing tapout and i really felt myself progressing and i noticed a size increase almost everywhere. now this could be for a number of reasons not just the workout. but with insanity i have no will to do it, i force myself every day (nearly every day). it could be that tapout you feel like your learning as well with all the combat type moves and i used to include a heavy bag in my tapout work out. But for my millions of readers i will continue on the insanity path.
           i am following the insanity routine by the day, and on my running days i just run , no insanity. and i take a rest day. one a week . so i am missing two insanity workouts a week . mabey this is a factor as well?